How can you be productive if you don’t have any products? The key is productizing your process and building products that build products. BOOM.



moving knowledge into practice and productizing the process

I’m going to give you a rundown on a simple framework for getting started with making money on the internet in 2021. If you want to increase productivity in the new year, become a more fulfilled human, calm your mind, help other people, establish yourself, make your mom happy, do cool things, and move away from the current life your living, start productizing your process.

Trust the process and process your trust. A circular gift that keeps on giving.

It’s simple: build it, and they will come. Organizing your process into products (books, videos, articles, mentorship, cheat codes, etc.) is the only way to give people something to work with. Remember: money is not metal; it is trust inscribed. Once trust is gained, money is obtained. Today, most humans connected to the internet do not need to hunt or gather to survive. If you could automate your income, theoretically, you wouldn’t need to work at all. This is why the creator/passion economy is emerging exponentially. So let’s map out the basics of building trust within the internet landscape. Take the knowledge you have in your head, study it from others, apply it to your own daily practice, and watch your wings take you far. I’m calling this art.

Meta Building

I want to introduce you to a concept in my mind called: “Meta Building.” It’s my process of building a public process that helps other people build a process. Hmmm, maybe we call it teaching teachers how to teach by learning how to teach? The idea is to take something you want to do and share it every day to enable other people to follow your process or pattern. Wanna join my journey? You can see this in action within one of my telegram chats. For community 101, join here. To get an insight into where my thoughts go, you can join here.

Here is a quick understanding of the word meta in this context:

Meta: Referring to itself or to the conventions of it’s genre; self-referential.

“Go meta” refers to the action of doing things in a metaphysical manner, that is to say, in a way that considers the effects of one’s actions, instead of simply acting them out.

A book about books, a meme about memes, a painting of a painting.

Let’s face it. We are all cyborgs. We are almost always in the presence of robots. A large amount of our entertainment, work, and social lives involve cameras, sensors, screens, processors, or some tech. Listening to music, taking a phone call, and paying for a donut with a credit card all require automation. We are truly immersed in a digital world, and for many, this brings a fear of the future. I’m here to tell you that you can take control of the current state of your world and make it work for you and not against you.

People don’t realize — we are already a cyborg because we are so well integrated with our phones and our computers. The phone is almost like an extension of yourself. If you forget your phone, it’s like a missing limb. But the communication bandwidth to the phone is very low, especially input. — Elon Musk

Humans are a series of prediction engines and habit automation machines that are constantly becoming more efficient every day. Elon speaks above about the lack of human-machine communication bandwidth. My current process consists of increasing my daily input efficiency by creating more things on the internet. By definition, cyborg means extending physical abilities beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body. Obviously, tech is not quite built into the physical body… yet. However, when we reference psychological limitations, I would say it's built right into us. My every thought is extended with the power of tech.

The idea here is to use your own natural intelligence to program your daily life and increase communication input. Most humans consume and let the 1% create most of the information digested via the internet. Let me be the first to tell you that you are art. You are the essence of a “machine programming machine” with a soul as your power source. So how do you capitalize on this realization? Start learning how to code new scripts into your life by productizing your process of learning and failing. The internet is the home of the ultimate network and the manifestation of connected humans at scale.

As more humans and products become web-enabled, this generates new networks and more space for automated income.

I’m coining the concept of meta building. This is the authentic process of creating an automated business based on your own proven successes and failures or the ability to accelerate and expand without someone else's permission. Whatever works for you can easily be shared with others and enable them with tools to do it themselves. Instead of catching and selling fish to other humans (doing the labor yourself), you can focus on fishing for yourself and sharing the framework of the process in the form of digital productization. A fishing guru is really just an alchemist mixing the proper elements from the ground up. They need wood for the pole, metal for the hook, knowledge of the best water location, experience with weather, a goal to catch a fish, and a strong desire to teach others how to do it as well.

This process would enable a small fishing village to sustain 150–300 members, according to “Rational Optimist” by Matt Ridley. Within the digital world, this could enable the potential for an unlimited amount of thriving humans.

So how do we convert this fishing analogy into the digital world? You will need some form of internet connection, a device that allows you to communicate efficiently, become knowledgeable of the best social platforms to share ideas, understanding trends, and developing a goal to make money on your journey.

For me, I have always been dissatisfied with the current social media landscape and especially frustrated with the college system, the availability of creative and fulfilling jobs, and the extreme number of people that are “stuck in the matrix.”

Here is what I want to accomplish: I want to sell 555 digital courses per month that teach people how to get started in the passion economy. I am obsessed with sharing and conveying ideas that have a proven record to find a space on the internet that can convert into money in my bank account, and I want you to do it too. So how do I meta build it? Well... I’m building a comprehensive digital course supported by a strong community on my very own digital platform called Officeparty. As fast as I can build my course, we will be launching our version 1 into the world. Every single feature we build goes through a strenuous process of observing needs that will help me convey my ideas better, but at the same time, I’m teaching you how to use my own platform. So it’s scalable. Now we have a meta build in progress.

The simple process is building things that build things. By building a digital course that teaches you my mental framework, I’m using my own platform to show you how you could essentially build your own platform. I’m just making it really easy for you, if you like my process, to use my platform as well.

The idea is to allocate 80% of your time to your human needs and 20% to your robot needs. Share things that give you life; use a robot to allow other people to use it too. Once you build an engine, you might also create a way for other people to use your engine, ESPECIALLY if it works well.

So how does one start meta building? Pick something you want to do and do it for yourself but allow everyone to copy you.

The core habits of a meta builder are based on authentic growth:

✋🤞 — Being meticulously honest about everything all the time

📈📉 — Sharing strengths, successes, weaknesses, and failures with equal enthusiasm to demonstrate a realistic process. Show your mess-ups.

💪🦾 — Investing 80% on your self and 20% on the system, the tech, the automation of everything you learned

🗣🫂 — Sharing your secrets without fear of being copied because they will copy

🥳😋 — Be excited. This should be your passion; you should be stoked every day you do it even when it gets hard.

The ideal internet creator or “meta builder” always focuses on being authentic, and that basically sums up the easiest road to success when building anything on the internet, especially community. You can not cheat your way to success when it comes to community. It takes time, it takes commitment, and it certainly requires mistakes. This generates a genuine intimacy between creator and community, and there is no way around it.

Here was one of my first drawings that came to mind when I decided I wanted to start sharing my process with the world:

My goal is that you experience an amazing journey and monetize the process along the way. If you want to know more specifics, pls stay tuned. I plan to launch a majority of my course via Officeparty on Jan. 15. See you there. Remember: You are art.



written on a road trip to South Carolina.

